In addition to believing this because of the myths, I also believed this because throughout my whole life I placed my hope in people, in this case men. My hope for a future marriage was in a man seeing me as a qualified candidate. I had to pass his tests. I had to meet all his expectations. I had to be everything he'd want me to be in order to be his wife. This is what I believed. I didn't believe I was worth being anyone's wife. Although I hoped to be one day, deep down I believed that my future husband would be the real prize and I'd just be one of his options. My hope, value, worth, everything was in a man choosing me as an option. So, if I already believed I was a last pick option and then I contracted herpes, it's clear to see why I completely removed myself from the game altogether. My hope was entirely in the opinion and acceptance of a man, so if you remove the man, you remove my hope.
Maybe your hope for relationships or future marriage didn't die, but your hope in other areas did: confidence, self-esteem, identity. All of these took a hit for me. If you're in that place right now, I'd like to point you to the scripture below:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant
and boundless mercy caused us to be born again to an EVER-LIVING hope and confident assurance through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3).
When I gave my life to Christ on my bedroom floor on January 2, 2012, for the first time in my life my hope went from natural things and people in the world to Jesus Christ. I end every Hope Letter by saying "May your hope be in Jesus Christ" and this is why! When we surrender our lives and repent of our sin and ask Jesus to be the Lord of our lives we are born again. This verse is saying that our new birth experience gives a NEW hope, a hope that is EVER LIVING, a hope that NEVER DIES because it's through the resurrection of Christ. When Jesus rose from the dead He defeated EVERYTHING satan could ever throw at us in this world. Jesus defeated herpes, AIDS/HIV, syphilis, cancer, depression, mental illness, suicidal thoughts, death, EVERYTHING!! Through Him we have victory over the grave and anything that would try to send us to the grave because in Him our souls will live eternally in full health, prosperity, and glory. There's nothing the devil has over us anymore! This new hope that never dies is what carried me through when I first got saved and it's what's carrying me through today.
Notice God says this EVER LIVING hope is accessed through being born again. My friend, if you truly want hope, the real hope, you have to surrender to the one who IS hope. These letters can't be the source of your hope. I write them to point you to the source who is Jesus Christ. If you believe that you are a sinner and you've messed up and God came down to the earth in the form of His Son Jesus Christ to pay the price of your sins on the cross. And that he died and rose again three days later and by his sacrifice you can be forgiven, then I'd like to lead you in prayer to commit your life to Jesus.
Recite this out loud:
Lord Jesus, I believe you are God. I believe you died and rose again for my sins. I am a sinner and I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I pray that you wash me clean and show me how to walk in righteousness. I surrender my life to you and ask you to take control of my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Hallelujah!!!! You are now born again!!! You now have full access to the EVER LIVING hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ!! Praise the Lord! You have a hope that will never die, as long as it's in the finished work of Jesus Christ!
May your hope be in Jesus Christ,
Tell me how this Hope Letter helped you in the comments below!
Are you struggling to maintain HOPE? Herpes To Hope Lockscreens will help you see daily reminders of God's hope and help you when those negative thoughts come! Get your Hope Lockscreen TODAY! Click Below!

This letter really helped me and makes me want to build a better relationship with God. I use to feel like nobody would ever want me, but I believe that God has the one for me. Ik he is a healer, just waiting on my miracle
ReplyDeleteHallelujah!! God IS a Healer!! He LOVES YOU BEYOND BELIEF! When the world pushes you aside, Jesus comes running after YOU! Continue to soak in His word and speak it in faith over your life!